世界大战免安装绿色版[含最新Finland 1918 DLC]Wars Across The World
游戏评分: 4星
游戏类型:策略塔防 支持平台:
游戏授权:免费软件 游戏语言:简体中文
更新时间:2022-12-07 游戏大小:984M
操作系统CPU内存显卡存储空间推荐配置暂未公布暂未公布暂未公布暂未公布暂未公布最低配置Windows 7G4402 GB RAMNVIDIA GeForce 96001 GB 可用空间
1. 用WINRAR软件解压缩游戏到硬盘上
2. 开始游戏
Wars Across the World: Finland 1918
Wars Across the World: Congo 1964
Wars Across the World: Normandy 1944
Wars Across the World: Saratoga 1777
Wars Across the World: Hastings 1066
Wars Across the World: Hamilkar 264
Wars Across the World: Korea 1950
Wars Across the World: Tannenberg 1914
Wars Across the World: Mali 2012
Wars Across the World: Missouri 1861
Wars Across the World: Six Days 1967
Wars across the Wolrd: Bulge 1944
Wars Across the World: Waterloo 1815
Wars Across the World: West Virginia 1861
Wars Across the World: Berlin 1945
Wars Across the World: Austerlitz 1805
Wars Across the World: Kentucky 1861
Wars Across the World: Bull Run 1861
Wars Across the World: Carrhae 53
· DirectX Redist 多国语言版9.29.1974 96MB·说明:必备运行库即是世界大战游戏运行所必须要安装的程序,如果没有这些程序,游戏可能无法正常运行。